Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Top Two Tuesdays....Top 2 LP sayings of the day

So tonights Blog is going to be dedicated to my room mate Lauren because tonight she has made my day with her sayings....Sorry LP don't be too mad with me.

1. " Gurth"
This was Lauren's new made up word for dry heaving. We were talking about when you get sick and nothing comes up ( yeah I know really gross) and she said "Is that when you gurth?" I literally was rolling on the floor laughing. She is the only one who could say something that ridiculous and make my day that much better. Thanks Lauren for putting up with me coming in  your room every 10 min while you are being "productive". You are great and I really love how your silly sayings make me laugh and forget all about my problems.
 So Lauren,Alica, and me are all applying to the same school district which has an online application. For almost all of the applications we are filling out you have to have a username and a password. Well I have written all of mine down so I don't forget them but some people like Lauren have not. Well like usual all four of us are in her room talking and hanging out like always. Lauren is trying her best to be productive (which means blog and do homework at the same time). She was trying to work on an application too well when she went to log in she had forgotten her password. She sat there for a few minutes trying to remember it but couldn't. The rest of us start to continue on in a conversation and in the middle of it Lauren yells out "I NEED A JOB" then proceeds to cover up her mouth. It was one of the most random things she has done...today. Thanks LP for finding new ways to remember passwords while also enjoying filling out long applications. What am I going to do without all of yall next year? 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who Doesn't Love Snow Days

So what I am loving right now is SNOW. Living in Mississippi my entire life I have rarely had snow days. I remember having snow but it was never enough to miss school. Well today I officially got my first snow day. I still had to wake up early and go to school but by 9:00 they were already asking classrooms to go and get their sack lunches. So needless to say I got to leave very early. By the time I left around 12:40 every square inch was covered. Of course Joshua is sick and asked me to go get him some things from the store since I was already out. Well it took me 20 min to get to Kroger and then another 20 just to get some orange juice, hot chocolate, and some frozen pizzas. Well by the time I got home I was freezing and very tired but I was so happy that it was snowing that I really didn't care.

I love having moments that remind you of your crazy family. Tonight after sledding we all came in and like usual I couldn't find my phone. Then I got a text message and I realized that is was in my shirt pocket. This reminded me of my sweet Memaw who always keeps her cell phone in her bra. It is one of the funniest things to see and I always think it is so funny when she loses it and then realized that she has placed it on the opposite side of her bra instead of her usual spot. So today I had a Memaw moment and it made me smile.

I really loved getting to spend most of the day just relaxing and watching TV with my sweet boyfriend. We just got to hang out and do nothing which we never get to do. It was really nice just having time to sit and talk and catch up. So thank you for the snow God I got to relax and spend some time with Josh.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

I am absolutely loving doing random Zumba workout videos with my roomie Haley! Having a chance to burn off some steam and having a good laugh about how stupid we both look. Loving Lady Gaga's Bad Romance...Classic! Whoever created Zumba thank you! You just made my day just that much better!!!

I am loving Jade Is The New Black!!!! You have to have this color in your OPI collection. It is really not that bright of a green so really anyone can pull it off I promise! It is my new favorite polish and I will be sporting it for quite a while.
I love how I feel like a freshmen again by eating the Union. Chick-fi-la with a couple of fellow student teachers makes for one exciting dinner. Thanks Whitney and Lauren for listening to me rant and rave about my student teaching problems and giving me some advice! I know I can always count on other student teachers to understand exactly what I am going through. 

So I am kind of obsessed with my new nook color! I have been reading Wuthering Heights right now on it and my next read will be Water for Elephants. This is by far one of the best Birthday presents I have ever gotten. I love how easy it is to sit down with it and just read or get on the internet. I also love all the free books they have. I just bought a new book about the 5 love languages which I have heard so many people say it is a great book for couples so I guess I will see how it helps me and Josh. 


"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other"-Audrey Hepburn. This quote has been in all of my rooms since I was a freshmen but not till really now has it really meant a great deal to me. I have relied so much on my roomates for support and love and they are always there for me. They are some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for and honestly I do not know what I am going to do without them. Each of them brings a different aspect into my life and I am just so lucky to have these three girls(and Harper) in my life especially right now when I feel so overwhelmed with school and life. Thank you girls you mean the world to me!!

So apparently I am a little late to be getting on the Etsy bandwagon but I am so obsessed with this site! It has the most unique things on here. I have found so many amazing things on Etsy I could spend hours looking through the entire site. For Christmas I bought my sister some gorgeous earrings and for Josh's Birthday I have found somethings I hope he will love. Seriously if you are looking for a unique gift or you just want something that everyone with be envious of go to Etsy and you will find whatever you are looking for!