1. " Gurth"
This was Lauren's new made up word for dry heaving. We were talking about when you get sick and nothing comes up ( yeah I know really gross) and she said "Is that when you gurth?" I literally was rolling on the floor laughing. She is the only one who could say something that ridiculous and make my day that much better. Thanks Lauren for putting up with me coming in your room every 10 min while you are being "productive". You are great and I really love how your silly sayings make me laugh and forget all about my problems.
So Lauren,Alica, and me are all applying to the same school district which has an online application. For almost all of the applications we are filling out you have to have a username and a password. Well I have written all of mine down so I don't forget them but some people like Lauren have not. Well like usual all four of us are in her room talking and hanging out like always. Lauren is trying her best to be productive (which means blog and do homework at the same time). She was trying to work on an application too well when she went to log in she had forgotten her password. She sat there for a few minutes trying to remember it but couldn't. The rest of us start to continue on in a conversation and in the middle of it Lauren yells out "I NEED A JOB" then proceeds to cover up her mouth. It was one of the most random things she has done...today. Thanks LP for finding new ways to remember passwords while also enjoying filling out long applications. What am I going to do without all of yall next year?