I have learned a few things from this month of hell. 1) Everything comes to an end so be patient 2) Having fun is a good thing 3) Loving friends and family will help you through anything 4) Cleaning is actually a relaxing experience 5) Facebook is the death of productivity.
One of the most important lessons I learned this past month is that it is okay for me to go and have fun with friends in the middle of the week even when schoolwork is never ceasing. For years I would stay at home and never hang out with my friends because I had study, work on projects, or just finish homework. These are all very important to doing well in school but I have missed out on so many opportunities to have because I thought I was too busy for fun.
This is my senior year of college. I should be living up life and enjoying every minute because come May I will be out in the real world...scary. I have been overwhelmed with life's big decisions life where do I live and what the heck am I going to do for the rest of my life? These are the questions that make me have nervous break downs and stress me out.
I had a major break through though recently though. The future is going to come if I like it or not so why stress about it. My dad always tells me to take one day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow. Thanks dad for your words of wisdom. So after realizing that my life is passing me by I have taken action to have fun and enjoy my senior year. The Greek Life here at Ole Miss has these things called swaps where a sorority and a fraternity have a part in the middle of the week. I have never gone to any of these parties because I always found something else to do. I would always make up excuses about why I could not go out. I had decided that I had missed to many opportunities to have fun so I promised myself along with a few sorority friends that I was going to go to every swap and every Kay Dee function this year now matter what I had going on with school.
Well so far I have kept that promise. We have had two swaps this year and I have been at both. This past one fell on the night before I had a reflection paper, a test, and two case studies due oh and I had the test at 8:00 am. Luckily I had worked on a lot of this all week and some last week but I was still no where near done. I almost backed out of going because I felt like there was way too much stuff to do and that I had to stay home and finish it but, I had made a promise and I hate breaking promises so I went. I had the best time at the swap. I got home around 11:50 and stayed up till 1:30 working and studying but, I got everything done and I had a blast hanging out with my friends.
I am so glad that the only thing left to do is to take the Praxis II next Saturday and the PLT the next Friday so please be praying for me because I will have to pass these test in order to get my degree.
Well I am so glad to finally have a life and I will do my best to keep this blog updated
Oh in case you were wondering here are some pictures of some of my friends and I at these mid week parties
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Rave Swap |
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Rowdy Redneck Swap |
Here are some more pictures of what has been going on in my life recently
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Friends at Susie's Bash |
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KD tent with some sophomore Kappa Deltas |
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My loving family at the Auburn game |
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KDs from Brandon |
Love it, Love it! I adore this! Yes girl! Fun is what we need! This semester is almost over, we've got it whooped! haha. LOVE YOU!