1) Well we all know that kids say the most random things. Well today while student teaching a little girl in my class was standing in the hall next to me just holding my hand. She then rubs my belly and says, "Ms. Emily do you have a baby in your stomach?" Well needless to say I was completely shocked and I was mortified. I then went on to ask her if it looked like I was because I DO NOT have a baby in my belly. She says,"Well you have a bump." Lets just say I would have started crying right then and there if I was not at school. I felt completely awful the whole day and all I have been wanting to do now is work out and eat right. Maybe this little comment will give me the motivation I need to shed some pounds this year like I always say I want to.
3)So if no other At&t customers have noticed our phone services pretty much suck! I can be in my room not moving an inch from were I have been sitting and it will just drop a call. I have no idea why it does this but it is quite annoying! My phone also refuses to let me call people when it gets in a bad mood. I will try and try but it will never ring what so ever. It also gets an attitude with me sometimes and will not let other people's calls come through. Why do you hate me so iPhone?
4) Why is is that no matter how good your intentions are to get things done more and more things seem to creep up on you? I feel like I am a pretty good planner and I try my best to get things organized and done ahead of time but recently I feel like everyday I find something that I should have done two days ago or things like job applications that I should have done over the break when I had nothing better to do than watch TV with Piper and Rebecca.
5) Friend or Foe? How do we really know what people's true intentions are? I have been wondering recently if some people are only friends with others for convince? Or do they truly care about the other person? I have noticed that with some people in my life that they are more foe than friends. They only want to be friends when it is good for them. I have some girls who I used to consider very close friends but, now I feel like it is asking too much of them to say hello to me now.
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