Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who Doesn't Love Snow Days

So what I am loving right now is SNOW. Living in Mississippi my entire life I have rarely had snow days. I remember having snow but it was never enough to miss school. Well today I officially got my first snow day. I still had to wake up early and go to school but by 9:00 they were already asking classrooms to go and get their sack lunches. So needless to say I got to leave very early. By the time I left around 12:40 every square inch was covered. Of course Joshua is sick and asked me to go get him some things from the store since I was already out. Well it took me 20 min to get to Kroger and then another 20 just to get some orange juice, hot chocolate, and some frozen pizzas. Well by the time I got home I was freezing and very tired but I was so happy that it was snowing that I really didn't care.

I love having moments that remind you of your crazy family. Tonight after sledding we all came in and like usual I couldn't find my phone. Then I got a text message and I realized that is was in my shirt pocket. This reminded me of my sweet Memaw who always keeps her cell phone in her bra. It is one of the funniest things to see and I always think it is so funny when she loses it and then realized that she has placed it on the opposite side of her bra instead of her usual spot. So today I had a Memaw moment and it made me smile.

I really loved getting to spend most of the day just relaxing and watching TV with my sweet boyfriend. We just got to hang out and do nothing which we never get to do. It was really nice just having time to sit and talk and catch up. So thank you for the snow God I got to relax and spend some time with Josh.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you have time to spend with him! Love you roomie! You are too cool. :)
